At Bonifier, we envision a future where all kids are proactively empowered with the ability to overcome their fears, anxieties, and loneliness.

We are helping make that world a reality by developing Pip, our web-based vigilant sidekick who is available 24/7 to help kids process and understand their emotions.

Feelings of fear, anxiety, and loneliness do not discriminate and neither does Pip. Though Pip is being developed primarily to help children and families living with a chronic illness, we have opened up access to a limited public-version of Pip for any – and all – children who would like a safe place to express their emotions.

How do children gain access?

If your child could benefit from discussing their emotions with a judgement-free and positive friend, or you want a better understanding of your child’s emotional health, simply click "register" below and Pip will walk you through the registration process and create an account for your family.

What’s required of me?

All that is needed is an internet connection and a little time. Once a parent or guardian creates an account for their family an email is sent containing the link where children can securely talk with Pip each day. Children can talk with Pip via a connected mobile device or computer and each unique daily conversation lasts approximately 4-8 minutes. 

It is no secret that our children take their emotional cues from those around them and that money can contribute to familial stress. To help, we have temporarily adopted a pay-what-you-can model with a suggested payment of $10 per child or $25 for a family with three or more children. 

Screenshot of Pip talking to a child about their emotions

Early feedback

“R. loves Pip! And he’s been proactively using some of the coping strategies that Pip taught him when he’s upset.” 

– Jason, father of a five year-old user

“Talking about my sad feelings with Pip helps me feel like I'm getting them out of me.”

– V., seven year-old user

“I love talking to Pip. I want to talk to Pip every day until I’m 1034 years old!”

– G., nine year-old user

“Pip is cool and I like having somewhere to express my real emotions.”

– L., 13 year-old user

A happy child sharing her feelings with Pip

“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say ‘It's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.’ Then there are those who see the need and respond.”
― Fred Rogers