About Bonifier™

Prononciation en Français: [ bɔnifje ], verb (transitive): to improve

We Believe

We believe no child should be left to battle their emotions alone, especially those affected by a life-altering physical illness. But sadly more than 2/3 of pediatric patients are. And we believe their siblings need help too; because feelings of fear, anxiety, and loneliness don’t just affect those who are ill.

We believe families are tired of months-long waitlists to receive emotional support and that too many children are falling through the cracks. Because even 1 is too many – especially if that child is yours.

We believe pediatric behavioral and mental health clinicians are rock-stars and they need help scaling their care to the millions of children currently unserved and under-served.

Children are sad, anxious, afraid, and lonely in hospitals

We’re Developing Pip

To help all kids recognize and process their emotions and learn positive coping skills.

To help parents realize a deeper understanding of their child(ren).

To ease the burden on clinicians by doing some of the lighter lifting and providing individualized data so they can optimize care at scale.

To Improve Life

Who could Pip help in your life?

“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say ‘It's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.’ Then there are those who see the need and respond.”
― Fred Rogers